1. Accessing Query Parameters with %rest:query-param

The annotation %rest:query-param is provided for accessing parameters in the Query String of the URL used for a RESTful Web Service request. Consider the following example

  %rest:query-param('query', '{$q}')
function perform-search($q as xs:string) {
    cts:search(fn:doc(), cts:parse($q))[1 to 10]

A client could call this function by sending a GET request along the lines of the following


In this case the query Query Parameter is mapped to the Function parameter $q.

Unfortunately, due to a limitation in MarkLogic, only one %rest:query-param annotation can be used per function. To accept more Query Parameters, you can use numbered Query Param Annotations, such as %rest:query-param-1, %rest:query-param-2, %rest:query-param-3 etc. Consider the following example

  %rest:query-param-1('query', '{$q}')
  %rest:query-param-2('from', '{$from}')
  %rest:query-param-3('to', '{$to}')
function perform-search(
  $q as xs:string,
  $from as xs:integer,
  $to as xs:integer) {
    cts:search(fn:doc(), cts:parse($q))[$from to $to]

A client could call this function by sending a GET request along the lines of the following


2. Automatic Type Conversion

XQRS will automatically convert the Query Parameter into the required parameter type at runtime for you, providing the parameter type inherits from xs:anyAtomicType

Parameters received from Query Parameters can be optional and as such the occurrence indicator on those parameters can be '?'.

  %rest:query-param('optional-param', '{$opt}')
function optional($opt as xs:date?) {
  if(fn:exists($opt)) then
    'got date ' || $opt
    'optional-param not given.'

If automatic type conversion is not possible, for instance the parameter expects a date but the value given for that parameter can not be cast to a date then an exception is thrown explaining this.

3. Default Values

You can give Query Parameters default values, in case the client has not given a value for that parameter. Consider the following example

  %rest:query-param-1('collection', '{$col}', 'my-default')
  %rest:query-param-2('id', '{$id}', '1234')
function optional($col as xs:string, $id as xs:integer) {
  fn:collection($col)/doc[@id = $id]

4. Receiving a Sequence of values

It's possible to receive a list of different values for a Query Parameter, for instance a client could send something along the lines of


A request like that could be handled by the following Function

  %rest:query-param('a', '{$a}')
function list($a as xs:integer*) {
  'found ' || count($a) || ' values'

You can even use a list of values as default parameters if you so wished

  %rest:query-param('a', '{$a}', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
function list($a as xs:integer+) {
  'found ' || count($a) || ' values'