You can control the way in which XQRS serializes and encodes
the content produced from a function, to do this you use
the annotations found in the output
declare namespace output = "";
There are many options and ways that you can serialize an document, please check the XQuery Serialization Support and Reference Table for detailed information. Consider the following example
function get($uri as xs:string) {
By default when a function produces a sequence of sem:triple
items, XQRS will serialize them in Turtle format.
You can change the serialization format by setting the
to one of
the following values:
n3, nquad, ntriple, rdfjson, rdfxml, trig, triplexml or turtle.
Consider the following example
Service /convert-rdf converts any serialization format of RDF
into any other serialization format of RDF, purely via
Content-Negotiation alone i.e. Accept, Content-Type headers
declare namespace rest = "";
declare namespace output = "";
%rest:path("/convert-rdf") %output:method("n3") %rest:POST("{$data}")
function convert-to-n3($data as sem:triple*) { $data };
%rest:path("/convert-rdf") %output:method("nquad") %rest:POST("{$data}")
function convert-to-nquad($data as sem:triple*) { $data };
%rest:path("/convert-rdf") %output:method("ntriple") %rest:POST("{$data}")
function convert-to-ntriple($data as sem:triple*) { $data };
%rest:path("/convert-rdf") %output:method("rdfjson") %rest:POST("{$data}")
function convert-to-rdfjson($data as sem:triple*) { $data };
%rest:path("/convert-rdf") %output:method("rdfxml") %rest:POST("{$data}")
function convert-to-rdfxml($data as sem:triple*) { $data };
%rest:path("/convert-rdf") %output:method("trig") %rest:POST("{$data}")
function convert-to-trig($data as sem:triple*) { $data };
%rest:path("/convert-rdf") %output:method("triplexml") %rest:POST("{$data}")
function convert-to-triplexml($data as sem:triple*) { $data };
%rest:path("/convert-rdf") %output:method("turtle") %rest:POST("{$data}")
function convert-to-turtle($data as sem:triple*) { $data };
You can serialize SPARQL results to either XML, JSON or
CSV formats by setting the %output:method
to sparql-results-xml
respectively. Consider the following example
The /sparql service runs a SPARQL Query and returns the SPARQL results
in either XML, JSON or CSV format based on Content Negotiation
declare namespace rest = "";
declare namespace output = "";
declare %rest:path("/sparql")
%rest:produces("application/sparql-results+xml", "*/xml")
function sparql-xml-results($query as xs:string) {
declare %rest:path("/sparql")
%rest:produces("application/sparql-results+json", "application/json")
function sparql-json-results($query as xs:string) {
declare %rest:path("/sparql")
function sparql-csv-results($query as xs:string) {
You can serialize to JSON by setting the %output:method
to json
%rest:query-param-1("v1", "{$v1}")
%rest:query-param-2("v2", "{$v2}")
function my-json($v1 as xs:string, $v2 as xs:string) {
object-node {
"a": $v1,
"b": $v2
Annotation | Valid values | Description |
method | xml, html, xhtml, text, json n3, nquad, ntriple, rdfjson, rdfxml, trig, triplexml, turtle sparql-results-xml, sparql-results-json, sparql-results-csv |
Set the primary serialization method |
encoding | Specifies the encoding to use when serializing the response | |
output-encoding | Specifies the encoding to use when serializing the response | |
item-separator | A string to separate a sequence of result items with. The default is a line feed character | |
media-type | Set the Content-Type header of the HTTP Response with a mime type, e.g. text/plain, application/xml, etc | |
byte-order-mark | yes, no | Should a byte order mark be emitted |
output-sgml-character-entities | normal, none, math, pub | Specifies if character entities should be output upon serialization. |
cdata-section-elements | A list of space-separated QNames to output as CDATA sections. | |
use-character-maps | xdmp:sgml-entities-normal, xdmp:sgml-entities-math, xdmp:sgml-entities-pub | Use Character Maps, separate different values with spaces |
indent | yes, no | Should content be pretty-printed (indented) |
indent-untyped | yes, no | Should content be pretty-printed (indented) |
indent-tabs | yes, no | Should tab characters be used instead of 8 space blocks when indenting |
include-content-type | yes, no | Include the content-type declaration when serializing the node |
escape-uri-attributes | yes, no | Escape URI Attributes |
doctype-public | A public identifier, which is the public identifier to use on the emitted DOCTYPE | |
doctype-system | A system identifier, which is the system identifier to use on the emitted DOCTYPE | |
omit-xml-declaration | yes, no | Omit the XML Declaration |
standalone | yes, no | Is the document standalone |
normalization-form | NFC, NFD, NFKD | Set the Unicode Normalization Form |
default-attributes | yes, no | Should attributes implicitly by defaults in a Schema be used in serialization |